Saturday 25 February 2017


Task two
AC2.1 Compare campaigns for change.
Assessment criteria
Mark band one
Mark band two
Mark band three
AC2.1 Compare campaigns for change
Limited awareness of campaigns for change .Evidence is mainly descriptive
Some comparison of a range of campaigns for change .there are some links to planned campaigns to support decision making .
Clear and detailed comparison of a range of relevant campaigns for change .Explicit links to planned campaigns with reference to specific and appropriate sources to support conclusions .

I am going to compare ten different campaigns and assess the similarities and the differences between each one.
Write a brief summary of the events surrounding the following
·         Sarah’s Law
·         Clare’s law
·         Lillian’s Law
Now write down any similarities that exist between all three –concerning who the key campaigners were and the reasons for the campaign.
Then go onto write summaries for the following
·         Anne Ming’s campaign
·          Bobby Turnball’s campaign
Now write the differences and similarities and write them down-in these campaigns make your main focus who the main victims were and who the actual campaigns were named after.
Make sure that when you write the similarities and differences you constantly refer back to the example that you are using.
Write a brief summary of
·         The Scottish independence campaign.
·         The anti-fox hunting campaign
Consider the forces that were behind each of these campaigns
For each of the campaigns, look for similarities in the following areas .
The aspect of criminal law
1.     Sarah’s Law and Clare’s Law –history of abuse
2.    Anti-fox Hunting campaign/Bobby Turnball’s campaign  and the Hunting Act 2004
3.    Anne Ming’s law and the double jeopardy Law  
4.    Lillian’s Law –driving under the influence .
5.     he anti-smoking campaign and Sarah’s Law
6.    The assisted dying law
Students can also look for any other similarities in the aspects of the campaigns that they have studied. 
 Campaigns that were a result of a tragic incident
1.     Sarah’s Law
2.    Clare’s Law
3.    Ann Ming’s Campaign
4.    Bobby Turnball’s Campaign
Consider the similarities between the events that led to these campaigns.
Campaigns with a lot of support from celebrities 
1.     Scottish independence campaign.
2.    Assisted dying campaign
Look for the names of the actual celebrities who supported the campaigns and how they did it. 
Media coverage in the campaigns
1.     Sarah’s law
2.    Scottish independence campaign
3.    The assisted dying campaign.
4.    Clare’s law Campaign
For each give an explanation of how the media actually covered it and then look at any similarities and differences in the media coverage.
Use of petitions
1.     The Scottish independence campaign
2.    Sarah’s Law
Consider how petitions were used in each and how successful /unsuccessful this was in both campaigns.
Successful Campaigns
1.     Sarah’s law
2.    Clare’s law
3.    Ann Ming’s Campaign
4.    The anti-smoking campaign
For each state exactly how successful they are and why.
Unsuccessful/partial successful campaigns
1.     Bobby Turnball’s campaign.
2.    Lillian’s Law
3.    The assisted dying campaign
4.    The anti-fox hunting campaign
5.    Scottish independence campaign.
For each state exactly why they were partially successful

AC2.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of media used in campaign for change 
Remember to evaluate is to look at both sides –the good and the bad.
Assessment criteria
Mark band one
Mark band two
Mark band three
AC2.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of media used in campaigns for change
Limited evaluation of the effectiveness of media used in campaigns for change .Evidence is mainly descriptive and limited in range .
Some evaluation of the effectiveness of a range of media used in relevant campaigns for change .Response is largely descriptive but includes some appropriate judgements .
Clear and detailed evaluation of effectiveness of a range of media used in relevant campaigns for change .Clear evidence of well reasoned judgements to support conclusions.

·         Write a brief explanation of what a blog is.
·         Write the advantages of a blog
·         Write the disadvantages of a blog
·         Write a real life example of a blog and write the effectiveness of the blog .
·         State how the television will raise awareness of a campaign
·         Write the advantages of using the television as a mode of raising awareness of a campaign.
·         Put a real life example of a successful campaign that was put across by television –give clear reasons why it was successful.
·         Write the disadvantages of using the television and ut a real life example to support this point.    
Social networking
·         Write a definition of social networking and state how it can be used to raise awareness of a campaign.
·         Write the advantages of this and give a real life example to support it .
·         Write the disadvantages and support your points with a real life example .

Hit songs
·         Write what they are and how they can be used to raise awareness for a campaign.
·         What are the advantages of using hit songs and support with a rea life example.
·         What are the disadvantages and put a real life example to support your points
·         Give a definition of a planned event that is meant to raise awareness.
·         What are the advantages of the event –write a specific example to support your points.
·         Write the disadvantages with a real life example to support your point.  

AC3.1 Plan a campaign for change relating to crime
Assessment criteria
Mark band one
Mark band two
Mark band three
Plan a campaign for change relating to crime
Plan for campaign is limited in detail. Appropriate actions ,sequences and time are briefly outlined 
Plan for campaign has evidence of some appropriate actions in a relevant time sequence and in some detail.
Eatiled and appropriate plan for change including clearly described actions in a relevant time sequence.

Aims and objectives
My campaign for change is related to white collar crime because it is largely unreported despite it being a very serious crime .My three main aims are to encourage people to report white collar crime, outline exactly how it occurs and to highlight ways in which it can be curbed.
Now think of four objectives that you will use in order to achieve these aims. These could include the following.
·         Setting up a twitter account or a Facebook page
Then for each of these state the following
·         How they will give advice
·         How they will educate people on how to report cases.
Target audience
Write down all the people who would benefit from this information and why this would benefit them.
Look at ways in which white collar crime takes place and how it affects different companies –give specific examples.
Methods and materials
My first method will be social media as it is a key method of disseminating information.
(State the advantages and disadvantages of using this method and why it will be beneficial to your campaign)
My second method will be (do the same as you have done for social media) 
My third method will be (do the same as you have done for the two above)
Now state exactly how you will use these methods.
Consider all of the costs that you will incur in sourcing funds for the different aspects of your campaign.
Timeline for the campaign
Below is a timeline of events, you will need to use this scaffold to complete this part of your assignment.
·         Research
·         Designing material
·         Creation of materials
·         Implementation of campaign 
Resources needed
 State the main resources that are needed and then link these to the scenario.

AC3.2 Design materials for used in campaigning for change .

Assessment criteria
Mark band one
Mark band two
Mark band three
Mark band four
Design materials for use in campaigning for change
Materials are basic /simple in design .Limited clarity of purpose in the materials .

Some evidence of materials which are designed with relevant content and which stimulate some interest .Some evidence of persuasive language   and clarity of purpose .

Attractive materials are designed with relevant content which stimulates interest .Evidence of persuasive language and clarity of purpose .Some evidence of technical skills .(11-15)
Well designed attractive materials are presented .Content is appropriate for changing behaviour .Materials are visually and verbally stimulating and technically accurate .


Look at the examples on the sheets that are provided, students may use these as a guideline for their own materials but it needs to be tailored to the question that they are answering . 

AC3.3 Justify a campaign for change
Assessment criteria
Mark band one
Mark band two
Mark band three
Justify a campaign for change.
Justify a campaign for change .Evidence is
Largely descriptive with few judgements.
Some justification is well reasoned .Response is largely descriptive but includes some appropriate judgements .Persuasive language is used.

Clear and detailed justification which is well- reasoned .Conclusions are supported by relevant judgements including the use of persuasive language.


You need to reflect on the campaign that you have written about  .You need to look at each aspect of the campaign and say why you actually did it that way . What it was that you were hoping to achieve at each stage and whether you achieved your aim .

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